Terms and conditions

Fees must be paid in full at registration and are not transferable to another person or another term. Enrolment will only take place once full payment is received.

Discounts must be claimed at registration, we are unable to grant discounts after registration takes place.
Neither advance bookings nor deposits are accepted.

Classes are taught in Spanish from beginner's level.

The minimum age for enrolment in a course is 16 years (except for courses designed for children and junior & leaving certificate preparation courses).

Attendance is the student’s responsibility. We regret that it is not possible to make up a missed class by attending another section.

Classes at Instituto Cervantes are occasionally used for teacher training purposes. This sessions will always take place under the supervision of your Spanish teacher.

Library membership is free for students of Instituto Cervantes.

Fees are exclusive of books.


Students are kindly requested to consider their personal commitments and circumstances before enrolment as we regret that no fees are refundable once the course has started. No partial refund for classes can be granted for sessions not attended and no postponement can be allowed.

Prior to commencement of classes, enrolment fees are refundable upon submission of a written request to the Instituto and submitted at least one day before the beginning of the course. Refund requests must be made in writing, by email (clicdublin@cervantes.es) or by fax (+353 1 6311599), and are subject to a 10% administration charge of the total course fee. For online registrations it applies the right of withdrawal for distance selling (“cooling-off period”), i.e. the student will be entitled to a full refund provided that the cancellation is requested within 14 days after the enrolment, provided that the course has not started.

Instituto Cervantes reserves the right to cancel a course in the case of insufficient student numbers or unforeseen circumstances, in which case a full refund will be made.

Instituto Cervantes reserves the right to change teachers during the course.

Payment of fees implies the student’s acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Students who have studied Spanish in the past, but have never studied at Instituto Cervantes Dublín, are required to take a level test before enrolling for a course. To take the test you need to submit this form https://bit.ly/IC_assessment_test.

LEGAL NOTICE Your details are part of the file named "AGENDA DE CONTACTOS" which the Instituto Cervantes is responsible for, registered at the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) with the purpose of providing you with information about Instituto Cervantes and its activities.

You can exercise your right of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by addressing your request via email to lopd@cervantes.es, via regular mail to Instituto Cervantes (C/ Alcalá, no. 49, Madrid 28014 Spain) or in person at the Registry of Instituto Cervantes in Madrid at the mentioned address.


The Diplomas in Spanish DELE were created in 1988 by the Ministry of Education (RD 826/88).

The Diplomas DELE are official qualifications certifying the degree of competence and mastery of Spanish, granted by Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain.

The DELE examination provides for all the different variants of the Spanish language. They are all considered as valid to obtain the diploma.

The DELE examinations have been designed following the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) of the Council of Europe, which ensures a practical way of establishing a standard, international and objective measurement of the level that should be reached at each teaching stage, and in evaluating results.
1. General conditions

The amount paid for registration in any of the DELE diplomas includes the right of examination on the date and in the Examination Centre chosen, and the shipping costs of the corresponding diploma.

Under no circumstances will registration in a DELE exam session, whose registration period has ended, be permitted. The dates of examinations and registration periods, as well as all other information on the DELE diplomas, are available on the DELE’s official portal, http://dele.cervantes.es/ , in both Spanish and English.

Candidates who do not pass the DELE examination or who do not attend the exam are not entitled to a second opportunity to sit the exam.

2. Eligible candidates.

Pursuant to Royal Decree 1004/2015, of 6 November, the scope of those eligible to obtain the DELE Diplomas in Spanish has been made universal. Thus, the DELEs may be obtained by any candidate who passes the official examinations, without differentiation.

The DELE diplomas are for literate people of all ages.
The Instituto Cervantes registers all people who have paid the corresponding registration fees for the DELE exams.

To be registered in these exams it is necessary to provide, in addition to the obligatory personal details, the candidate’s personal e-mail address. This e-mail address, for which the candidate is responsible for ensuring it functions correctly, will be used, if established by the DELE Examination Centre or the Instituto Cervantes, for the communication of information relating to the Instituto Cervantes and its DELE diplomas, the exam dates and the publication of results.

With the payment of registration fees, the candidate accepts the present purchase conditions, declares to comply with the administrative and economic requirements necessary to obtain the DELE diploma, and commits to attend the exam with the documents that certify compliance with these conditions. These documents are necessary for their correct identification and include the receipt of their registration and their passport or an official photo identification document.
Parents or legal guardians must register minors or people without the legal capacity to act. They must provide a different e-mail address for each of the candidates that are registered.

3. Registration procedures

The registration for exams must be completed using the means established by the Instituto Cervantes within the defined time period.
Registration for the tests must be effected at a DELE examination centre within the period established for each examination session. The candidate is obliged, regardless of the means of registration, to ensure that all the details that appear on their receipt of registration, which are not limited to information relating to personal details, but include that relating to the level, date and place of the chosen DELE diploma exam, are correct.

To formalise their registration in the accredited Examination Centre, candidates must provide the following documentation:

  • A 2016 registration form, duly completed, which can be obtained at the examination centres or by downloading the file attached at the bottom of this page.
  • Original and photocopy of a photo ID that includes the following information: identity, nationality, place and date of birth. Information declared by candidates on the registration form must correspond with that on the ID.
  • Documents accrediting payment of the registration fee.
  • The payment of registration fees can be completed by the means of payment determined by the chosen Examination Centre (candidates must always specify the purpose of the payment as “DELE Registration”, in addition to the date of the exam period and the academic level of the desired diploma) or by electronic means determined by the Instituto Cervantes in the case of online registration.

    4. Candidates’ details

    It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that all the details provided, especially those relating to their identity (given and family names, the number of their identification documents, and their date and place of birth) and the chosen DELE exam period (Examination Centre, date and level) are correct before they finalise the process of registration. Any error made by the candidate in the introduction of these details will cause administrative problems and could be reflected in the official DELE Diploma, which will only be re-issued after the payment of the associated costs.

    The personal details that are provided in a candidate’s registration must coincide with those that appear on the official identification document that they use for the examination. Only candidates that are correctly identified and whose details coincide with those on their registration receipt will be admitted to the exam.

    The candidate is responsible for notifying the Examination Centre in which they were registered of any change in their personal details that could affect their receipt of communications relevant to the DELE diplomas.

    The Instituto Cervantes is not responsible for any detriment that could derive from the provision of incorrect or outdated details by the candidate on their registration form.

    5. Special requirements

    The Instituto Cervantes may facilitate access to the DELE Diploma examinations under special conditions to candidates who, owing to determined personal circumstances (visual, auditory or motor incapacities, certain learning difficulties, or the inability to abandon religious centres, hospitals or prisons), cannot sit them under the general rules.

    Candidates must inform the Examination Centre of their circumstances and provide the required proof (see http://dele.cervantes.es/informacion/profesores_espanol/necesidades_espe...) at the time of registration or up to 48 hours later. This enables the Centre to request the necessary authorisation from the Instituto Cervantes and to adopt the necessary measures sufficiently in advance, so as to make it possible for the candidate to sit the examination. If candidates fail to do so in a timely manner and in due form, they shall not be entitled to take the examination under special conditions.

    6. Rights of Registration
    The Rights of Registration can be paid for either cash, check, making a deposit or a credit transfer (specifying ‘DELE registration’ and the level). The Examination Centre can determine other means of payment.
    As far as possible withdrawals once registered are concerned:
    In general, reimbursement of registration fees due to withdrawals shall be carried out the examination centre at which said registration was paid for by the candidate, who may, as the case may be, request said reimbursement.

    7. Changes in the exam sesión, examination centre or level of exam

    No changes can be made after the registration deadline for the exam session has passed. Only one partial or complete change can be made to each registration.

    Under no circumstances can a candidate be registered once the registration deadline has passed. A change in the exam session, Examination Centre or the level of exam will in no way alter the refund and withdrawal period, which will remain 14 natural days from the date of initial registration.

    It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the place in which they were registered receives an unequivocal application requesting the necessary change, which includes their personal details and their registration code, within the required time period and in writing.
    No costs associated with the implementation of a change are to be borne by the candidate. However, if there is a difference in the price of the examination they were originally registered in and the level in which they wish to be registered, it must be covered by the candidate. If they change to an examination level with a lesser price than the original examination they were registered in, the candidate is not entitled to be refunded the difference.
    It is impossible to change a candidate’s Examination Centre.
    The candidate can only make one application to change their exam session or the level of DELE exam at their Examination Centre. To do so, the registration deadline for the exam session in which they were registered must not have passed, the registration period for the exam session in which they desire to be registered must be open and there must be free places at the time they apply for such a change to be made.

    The candidate can only make one application to change the level of their DELE examination. If there is a difference in the price of the examination they were originally registered in and the level in which they wish to be registered, it must be covered by the candidate. If they change to an examination level with a lesser price than the original examination they were registered in, the candidate is not entitled to be refunded the difference.

    8. Cancellation of registration
    Registration shall be subject to cancellation, and candidates shall be entitled, upon request, to a full refund of the registration fees, or to take the tests at the next session, in the following cases:

  • If, for reasons attributable to the Examination Centre, it were impossible to hold the tests.
  • If the tests are cancelled due to force majeure or natural disasters requiring the cancellation of the session, or physical or personal risk for candidates taking the tests (floods, state of war, etc.)
  • In both cases, candidates must request a refund of the amount paid from Instituto Cervantes, within a month following the date established for holding the written tests. After this period has elapsed, candidates shall no longer be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.

    9. Refunds
    Candidates are entitled to a refund pursuant to legal provisions and may exercise this right within a period of 14 calendar days from the date of registration.

    10. Withdrawal
    Candidates have a right to a refund (or withdrawal) pursuant to the relevant legal provisions. The application for a refund or withdrawal must be unequivocal and complete (with reference made to all the candidate’s personal details and their registration code), and received in writing at the place in which they were registered (Examination Centre or website) within 14 natural days from the date of registration and payment. Any refund application that does not comply with the above requirements or is received outside the legally established time frame will be rejected.

    11. Sitting the examinations

    Registration requires the candidate to select a determined Examination Centre. The candidate will only be entitled to present themselves on the date of the chosen exam session to the examinations held in such Centre, or in a place that the Centre establishes for this purpose.

    Candidates must attend the examination at the time and place defined on the receipt of their registration with the following documentation:

  • The registration receipt that they received at the Examination Centre or that was sent to their e-mail address by the online registration system.
  • The passport or official photo identification document that they presented at the moment of registration.
  • The official announcement of the examination, which they received from the Examination Centre.
  • The payment of registration fees for the DELE diplomas in an exam session gives candidates an exclusive opportunity to sit the exam on the date of the chosen exam session.
    12. Candidates who fail to appear
    Registration made at a specific Examination Centre shall entitle candidates to take the tests at that Centre only, or at whatever facilities that the Centre has made available for that purpose. Candidates who fail to appear at the written tests at the time and place established shall not be entitled to a refund of the registration fees paid, or to use these fees for another examination session.

    13. Required Documentation
    The candidates must take the exam with:

  • A stamped copy of the registration form.
  • Passport or identification submitted in the registration process.
  • The official notice of the examination that the examination centre had sent to the candidate.
  • 14. Improper conduct

    The expulsion of a candidate for improper conduct, which is any action that is considered by the Examination Tribunal to actually or potentially result in an unfair benefit or detriment to any candidate, will result in their exclusion and the forfeiture of their right to have their examination marked. Upon exclusion, the candidate will forfeit all their rights concerning the examination and its fees in the exam session that is under way.

    15. Audio-visual recording during the examinations

    The candidate may be photographed for security reasons and identification purposes during the examinations. The Instituto Cervantes will not make use of these photographs for other purposes.

    The tests that form part of the DELE examinations may be audio-visually recorded, either systemically or randomly, using electromagnetic or digital means to monitor the performance of examiners, enable investigations and obtain additional material for the resolution of complaints.

    To this end, and with the acceptance of the present conditions, candidates consent to the recording of their interviews by the Instituto Cervantes, and grant it all the intellectual property and personal image rights and the applicable corresponding creative components for the greatest period of time permitted by current laws in all countries.
    16. Viewing results

    The Instituto Cervantes will inform all candidates who sat the examinations of the results they obtained through the official DELE Diploma portal: http://dele.cervantes.es/.

    Diploma candidates can use the DELE portal to download a certificate with their results, which will state if they have received a PASS or FAIL grade. This document is certified, as it is signed electronically by the Instituto Cervantes.
    Candidates that have received a PASS grade will be entitled to the receipt of a corresponding accredited diploma.
    17. Revisions and complaints

    All candidates are entitled to make as many complaints as they consider necessary, but can only make one application for the revision of the grade that they have been awarded. Requests for refunds or the reproduction of a candidate’s exam papers will be rejected.

    All the relevant information regarding the complaint and revision processes are available under the section titled “Complaints and revisions” (http://dele.cervantes.es/informacion/reclamacion_re- vision_examen.html) on the official portal of the DELE Diplomas.
    18. Issuance of DELE Diplomas

    The Instituto Cervantes is solely responsible for the issuing of diplomas. It will ensure that each Examination Centre receives the diplomas of candidates who have passed the examination so that the Centre can advise candidates to collect their diplomas which accredit their PASS grade.

    Candidates who received a PASS (APTO) grade should contact their Examination Centre to receive their accredited DELE Diploma.
    If, for any reason, the candidate does not receive their accredited DELE Diploma and fails to request it from their Examination Centre within a year of the publication of the results of the exam session in which they participated, they will lose their right to be issued the Diploma. However, the candidate may apply for the Diploma to be re-issued at their Examination Centre. The costs of re-issuance will be borne by the candidate, unless the reason for which it must be re-issued is attributable to the Centre or the Instituto Cervantes.
    19. Intellectual property

    All the materials associated with the DELE diplomas that are given to or sent to candidates are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights and relevant financial rights held by the Instituto Cervantes, or by third parties, which will be identified in the relevant case. Any violation of these rights will be prosecuted through the appropriate legal channels.
    20. Security and confidentiality

    The personal details provided by candidates, in compliance with the law, will be incorporated in a file named “Academic Administration”, owned by the Instituto Cervantes, with the purpose of correctly administering DELE Diplomas, as well as informing candidates of news, products and services by both physical mail and e-mail. Where necessary, personal details provided by candidates may be transferred to other bodies within the Spanish Public Administration to process applications for Spanish citizenship.

    Candidates can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the treatment, use and transferal of their details, by sending an application by e-mail to lopd@cervantes.es, by mail to the Instituto Cervantes (Calle Alcalá, n.º 49, Madrid 28014) or in person at the Registry of the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid at the above address.

    21. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

    Should litigation be pursued between a candidate and the Instituto Cervantes it will be governed by and interpreted under Spanish law. Both parties expressly renounce any other applicable jurisdictions and submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Madrid.

    For more information abouth the diplomas, visit the oficial DELE diplomas website: http://diplomas.cervantes.es

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