Wine and Culture: A Culture To Provide (001-EP-C-01-E3)

Product type:
Start date:
Monday, 18 September, 2023
Finish date:
Monday, 18 September, 2023

Gastronomía.Vino y cultura: Una cultura para brindar
Charla y cata de vino
Idioma: inglés

Te invitamos a conocer más de cerca la cultura del vino en España con una charla que nos llevará de viaje a través de los siglos para descubrir cómo el vino ha calado en las obras de los maestros españoles de la literatura y de las artes plásticas. Al mismo tiempo conoceremos un paisaje único, geográfico y social, y las vidas emocionantes de quienes, con su entrega, han convertido la elaboración del vino en un arte.

A la charla le seguirá una cata con el sumiller Haley Johnson, en la que probarás seis vinos diferentes que mostrarán la diversidad y contrastes climáticos de España.

18:30 h Bienvenida
18:40 – 19:10 Charla, Andrés Pascual
19:10-20:20 h Cata, Haley Johnson
20:20 – 20:30 h Preguntas

Gastronomy. Wine and Culture. A Culture to Provide
Talk and wine tasting
Delivered in English

We invite you to learn more about the culture of wine in Spain with a talk - followed by a tasting - that will take us on a journey through the centuries to discover how wine has permeated the works of the Spanish masters of literature and the plastic arts. At the same time we will get to know a unique geographical and social landscape, and the exciting lives of those who, with their dedication, have turned winemaking into an art.

The tasting "Spanish Wine Academy Extreme Spain", with sommelier Haley Johnson, will include six wines that will show the diversity and contrasting climates of Spain.

18:30 h Welcome
18:40 – 19:10 Talk, Andrés Pascual
19:10-20:20 h Wine tasting, Haley Johnson
20:20 – 20:30 h Q & A

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