B2 DELE Exam Preparation [online] (5 weeks) (Course #239)

Tipo de producto:
Fecha de inicio:
Jueves, 10 abril, 2025
Fecha de fin:
Jueves, 8 mayo, 2025

Course for students who wish to prepare the exam to obtain the DELE Spanish Diploma.

This course is run online with the video conferencing app Zoom. Live teacher-led classes in small groups of maximum 12 students. We provide a friendly and supportive environment using the most innovative distance learning tools and the best native teachers.

Lessons take place once per week (Thursdays) for a total of 5 lessons.

Although this course is not required for registration in DELE exams, taking it is highly recommended in order to gain familiarity with the format and exercises of the exam.

To take full advantage of the course, your level of Spanish should match that of the exam you are going to sit. You can download exam samples to verify your level.

Students who are enrolled in any course at Instituto Cervantes Dublín at the time of registration for their DELE exam will receive a 30% discount on the exam price.

Register by 20/03/2025 to receive a 5% Early Bird discount ("Matrícula anticipada" checkbox below). Returning Instituto Cervantes students will also enjoy an additional 10% discount ("Antiguos Alumnos" checkbox below). Senior students (65 and over) also benefit from a further 10% discount.

You will receive details about the course and the Zoom ID shortly before the start date.

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